icon GPSdings gpxkml

gpxkml converts gps data from Topografix GPX 1.1 to Google Earth KML, preserving waypoint symbols if possible. By default the output files will have the paths and names of the input files with gpx extensions replaced by kml. No datum conversion is performed, therefore gpx files must be in WGS84.
USAGE: gpsdings gpxkml [options] [<file>...]
 -n,--name         Use this title for the kml file (by default the name of the
                   input file without extension is used).
 -z,--kmz          Compress kml files (kmz).
 -h,--help         Print this help and exit
 -l,--license      Display the licenses for this program and included libraries.
 -t,--todir <dir>  Create output files in this directory.
GPX 1.1 can be created from a lot of other geo-coordinate formats with GPSBabel. Use the option "gpxver=1.1" in GPSBabelGUI or "-o gpx,gpxver=1.1" for command line gpsbabel.
This program is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 3.