icon GPSdings trackanalyzer

trackanalyzer takes the tracks from a gpx 1.1 input file and calculates several derived quantities such as time travelled, distance travelled, horizontal speed and vertical speed from them. trackanalyzer can create plots and colored Google Earth tracks from all quantities, and the trackpoint data can be written to a plain text file. Trackanalyzer will also calculate some very basic track statistics and print them to stderr (unless told not to).

trackanalyzer currently calculates the following quantities:
TimeTravelled, DistanceTravelled, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, HorizontalSpeed, Bearing (with respect to true north), VerticalSpeed, Slope. The last four of these quantities are calculated from time derivatives of the interpolated trajectory and will in general vary rapidly unless smoothing is used.

For good results trackanalyzer needs detailed tracklogs with date-time information. Thus, you should not use Garmin's save function. If there is no time information at all in the tracks of the input gpx file trackanalyzer will assume that the trackpoints in the gpx file are in the order you visited them and re-construct timestamps assuming a constant speed of 1 km/h. Use - as the <gpxfile> argument to make trackanalyzer read GPX from stdin.

USAGE: gpsdings trackanalyzer [options] <gpxfile>
 -s,--smoothing <int>   Controls how much the track data is smoothed when
                        calculating derivatives and Total Ascent/Descent. Use 0
                        for no smoothing. The default is 1. Experiment with
                        this setting to find the best value for a particular
                        recorded track.
 -p,--plot <plotlist>   Create interactive SVG plots from the data. plotlist is
                        a list of one or more plot specifications
                        Qx|Qy|File[|Title] separated by semicolon (;). Qx is the
                        quantity to use for the x-axis, Qy is the quantity to
                        use for the y-axis, File is the output file path, and
                        the optional Title is a title for the plot.
 -k,--kml <tracklist>   Create colour-coded Google Earth tracks from the data.
                        tracklist is a list of one or more track specifications
                        Q|File[|Title] separated by semicolon (;). Q is the
                        quantity to use for color-coding, File is the output
                        file path, and the optional Title is a title for the

 -r,--range <min> <max> Use a fixed value range for --plot (Qy) and --kml.
 -t,--text <file>       Write plain text to this file. Use - for stdout.
 -v,--vmin <f>          The minimum speed in km/h to regard as real movement. It
                        is used when calculating the average speed while moving.
 -n,--no-stats          Do not print track statistics to stderr.
 -f,--feet-and-miles    Use US units instead of metric units.
 -h,--help              Print this help and exit
 -l,--license           Display the licenses for this program and included
 -q,--quiet             Suppress status and error information.
GPX 1.1 can be created from a lot of other geo-coordinate formats with GPSBabel. Use the option "gpxver=1.1" in GPSBabelGUI or "-o gpx,gpxver=1.1" for command line gpsbabel.
This program is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 3.