icon GPSdings openlayers

openlayers creates interactive maps from GPX 1.1 files using the OpenLayers framework. You can choose one or more base layers from OpenStreetMap (OSMMapnik, OSMCyclemap, OSMTerrain, OSMWanderkarteNop, OSMTopo, OSMHikeBike, and OSMHill), and Google Maps (GMap, GSat, GHyb, GTerrain),
openlayers -k adds tracklogs (not place marks) from one or more KML files to the map. For instance, you might want to include KML generated by trackanalyzer -k. In the current state of things, KML input alone will not work (that is you must specify a gpx file).
USAGE: gpsdings openlayers [options] <gpxfile>...
 -j,--javascript <file>          Write OpenLayers Map Javascript to this file.
 -x,--xhtml <file>               Write HTML output to this file.
 -t,--title <title>              The title for the HTML document.
 -J,--Javascript-URL <URL>       The URL at which the HTML output can locate
                                 the Map Javascript. Defaults to the value of the
                                 -j option when that option is specified.
 -p,--photojs <URL>              Include this javascript generated with exifloc.
 -P,--Photo-URL <URL>            URL prefix for the pictures to be included
                                 with the -p,--photojs option (empty by default).
 -a,--api-key <key>              The Google Maps API key of the website
                                 where the HTML output will be published. Only
                                 necessary for Google base layers.
 -b, --base-layers <layers>      The base layers to include, e. g.
                                 "OSMMapnik GMap YMap".
 -k, --kml-URLs <files>          Include tracklogs from these KML files.
 -n, --no-trk                    Don't show tracks on map.
 -W, --no-wpt                    Don't show waypoints on map.
 -h,--help                       Print this help and exit.
 -l,--license                    Display the licenses for this program and
                                 included libraries.
 -q,--quiet                      Suppress status and error information.
GPX 1.1 can be created from a lot of other geo-coordinate formats with GPSBabel. Use the option "gpxver=1.1" in GPSBabelGUI or "-o gpx,gpxver=1.1" for command line gpsbabel. No datum conversion is performed, therefore all files should be in WGS84.
This program is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 3.